Thursday, October 14, 2010

Final movie

Snips - Final Touches

In the first snip I tried to put a trigger in. I wanted to do this in order for the 'beak' to rotate when the approaching 'beak' passed a certain point (as illustrated in the movie). However I found that I could achieve the same experience of riding the rotated 'beak' and triggering another beak by using calculated timing and distances with the cameras.

The top photo shows my final clip layout in windows movie maker.

Mid-Assignment Crisis

I found myself getting frustrated with the software - especially esperient creator. There have been many times when I've stumbled upon a problem, then studied the tutorials, looked online for help, asked those around me and asked my tutor but have found no solution and therefore started from the beginning again. I found this process very frustrating and I was spending weeks focusing on the little things that weren't going right. Finally after finding no way of altering my materials on my forms (as the ones below are not my desired material) or animating some backfaces, among many other problems, my tutor suggested that I stick with what I have and move on. I'm glad I did as I can now focus on what the animation looks like as a whole rather than put too much energy into trying to fix the little, relatively unimportant things.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Snips of Animation from Esperient Creator

These are some of my favourite snapshots from the animation process. They show the different viewpoints and angles that are explored in the placement of the cameras. The snips also portray the different animations, both of the entire rows as one entity and of the smaller details like the 'beak' and 'wing' movements.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quick Sketches of Animation

I want interaction between the levels. The first sketch shows the 'leg' and 'arm' rotating 45 degrees to meet each other creating a diagonal path between the upper and lower levels.

In the second, each figure rotates 90 degrees to the left changing the direction of the pathway between the figures.

In the third one I want to experiment with replicating the model so that when you walk through it, it never ends.

In the Fourth one, one row of figures shifts to one side, the back again to create an overall factory-like movement.

In the fifth one it simply demonstrates the movement of the 'wings' or 'arms'.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Design Ideas and Intentions in 100 words

These replicated forms carry human and bird-like characteristics in terms of shape and form. I would like to extend this further, animating them so their movements mirror those of basic human movements i.e the top branch-like forms will become arms or wings. The concept of repetition has guided my explorations so far and I want to push it further with repetitive animated movements and replication of form. So far the space has only allowed us to inhabit one level at a time. I want to create an interaction between the levels in order to explore the full potential of the space.

Final 3 Renders

I believe these 3 renders communicate different perspective of the model. In each of them there are elements of repetition of form.

I like the textures and materials in the second render, there is a nice ballance of gloss and matt and the textured surface helps to create interesting shadows and patterns on an otherwise flat surface.

The first render has slightly too much glare and the third render has slightly too much gloss, although the reflections on the lower surface help to give the viewer a hint of what is above.

Perhaps a wider view of the entire space would be beneficial so the viewer could get a idea of the space as a whole.